Monday, August 20, 2012

Buck Bath

Well it's almost fall and Mr. Wonderful has turned into Mr. Stinky.  That's right, as every buck owner in the world knows, those bucks get really gross when breeding season rolls around.  It's not just the hormonal stink but mix that with a generous helping of buck peeing on his own beard.  I heard that people wash their bucks but I had never done it before so I was a little worried.  He is 200 lbs on the weigh tape and he's quite strong.  I thought if it panicked him we'd be holding on to wet soapy goat for dear life and we'd never get him rinsed off.  It would be a goat rodeo.

The good news is that he loved it!  He's been so stinky that I avoid touching him and the only contact he gets is when I put the leaf rake over the rail to scratch his back...he hasn't had a good back rub in months.  He wasn't crazy about the straight from the well cold water but he loved the lathering up bit.  He wasn't even as bad as our dog but stood patiently while we lathered and rinsed.  He lounged around like a king afterwards.

So, if you haven't washed your buck get to it while the weather is still warm.  You (and he) will be glad you did.